About Me

I'm an early 90's baby from a place where we drink pop, not soda. I am many things- tattoo addict, avid reader, octopus lover, former call girl extra's girl, eternal community college student- but I've always been a writer. I am beginning to navigate the world of indie publishing and look forward to releasing my work. It's good to know I can make my own dream come true.

In addition to writing fiction, I blog about my past experiences being sexually exploited for a profit (pimped out) at my other blog, ToBeForSale.Blogspot.com. It is a goal of mine to help other girls who've been through what I've been through, and worse.

By the way, I'm not usually as bright and colorful as I am in my picture, and Kaari Anzel is not my "government" name, which I want to keep separate for the purpose of jobs and such. I've had many stage names- from a flower to a spice to a Disney character, in true stereotypical form- but "Keri" is the one that stuck (and of course, I had to jazz it up a bit.) As for Anzel, I remember my grandma telling me it was a fake last name her family used when they didn't want people at stores and restaurants to know their nationality. So there's me.

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